What acting technique can I learn in one month?

Alan Chenkin
2 min readNov 30, 2018


By Alan Chenkin, Learned about celebrities by reading the tabloids in the checkout aisle.

First off, you’re in SCHOOL. You are allowed to stumble, and learn, and get back up and keep going! Fight your fear, nervousness, and insecurity. How? Stand up at lunch and recite a paragraph from a book, or a passage from a popular song, or a political speech that inspired you.

Do it more than once. Try to inspire. Ask your friends to be critical, and suggest ways to improve your delivery.

Find a buddy to work with, do some acting drills:


Acting Exercises: For High School Students and Beginners — Ace your audition

Improve your public speaking: How to give a speech like Barack Obama — Telegraph UK

Drama Exercises and Games for Kids and Adults — stage Milk

If you are nervous about asking someone to help you — look at 5 Ways to Conquer Fear and Ask for Help[1] and Asking For Help Reveals Strength, Not Weakness[2]

Learning Lines?: A Practical Guide for Drama Students and Aspiring Actors: Michael Murray: 9781519046093: Amazon.com: Books

Theatre Games: Exercises for Learning Acting Skills: 9781566081740: Amazon.com: Books

It’s not just you; see 6 Famous Artists Talk About What It’s Like to Overcome Fear and Create Beauty[3] and How Celebrities Face Their Worst Fears[4]

Work it, Practice it, Bring it. You have a month — use it wisely!

There is something else to consider; after a month, you are not “done”. Acting and performing are skills which go weak over time. You must constantly practice, learn, ask for feedback, find new lines, and stretch your limits. Acting will expand your horizons and abilities. You will be more at ease when speaking in public, discussing job possibilities, interviewing, and even improving your interpersonal relationships.

Don’t stop after a month. Don’t give up.

Break a leg!

And — Thanks for reading my blog! Feel free to like, upvote, and share.


[1] 5 Ways to Conquer Fear and Ask for Help

[2] Asking For Help Reveals Strength, Not Weakness

[3] 6 Famous Artists Talk About What It’s Like to Overcome Fear and Create Beauty

[4] How Celebrities Face Their Worst Fears

Edited and expanded from my answer on Quora.

From my blog, https://actingandactors.com



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